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  • Extra Goodies & Activities

Looking for something a little extra special? We have numerous extras to suit most of our guests and their needs…

Yappy Hour

Give your pet a delicious treat-filled frozen puzzle chew in the afternoons! A great option to add extra afternoon enrichment and stimulation and assist in cleaning K9 teeth.

Available any or every day of your pet’s visit.

$4.5 each

Spa Treatment

We have our warm hydro bath on standby to give your dog the spa treatment before being reunited with you. Your dog will come home clean as a whistle using high-quality, skin-sensitive shampoo and conditioners.

Ears and eye cleans (when possible) are included in the service. Complimentary bathing is offered for guests holidaying for over 5 days. Not available on Public holidays.

Price depends on the size of the dog and coat length.

Meaty Muffins

Hedgegrove is excited to offer our doggy guests a delicious afternoon snack from The Pet Butcher.

The Chicken & Vegetable Muffins are a real hit!

Available any or every day of your pet’s visit.

$5.5 each

Training and self-improvement

Doggy Dayschool

$99 per booking

Are you struggling with training? Want some new skills? Is your dog an energetic brainiac who needs more? Then you are in luck! Hedgegrove is proud to be one of the only pet accommodation facilities with onsite training and behaviour specialists.

Canine Connect’s Doggy Dayschool programs are fantastic and available to our guests. Each Doggy Dayschool student spends 3 individual training sessions over the day with a report card (with photos) sent to you and uploaded to Canine Connect’s social platforms daily! Programs can be tailored to suit the needs of the dog or owner’s needs and goals.

Available by appointment and availability of the trainers only, please contact Canine Connect to find out about availability.

Trainer Time

$45 per session

Due to popular demand, the awesome trainers from Canine Connect are now offering training sessions for our boarding and daycare guests! No need to book in advance, just speak with our reception staff on check-in. A report card created for you to see at the end of their holiday.

The trainers can work on many areas with your pooch including:

  • Manners
  • Obedience training
  • Walking skills
  • Trick training
  • Fun and games
  • Confidence building and exposure
  • And more!

A great enrichment addition for your dog’s holiday!

Check our socials

Whenever possible, our team endeavours to capture some of these adventures to post on our social media platforms. Check our ‘stories’ on Facebook on Instagram.

Paws & Play

$26.5 – $36 per session

$43.5 – $48 per session for doubles

Play time is a must at Hedgegrove but some of our doggy guests need that little bit more!

‘Paws & Play’ options give your pooch that extra one-on-one attention to make the most of their day.

Some of the possible activities include;

  • Tackling our specialty obstacle course
  • Sensory ‘sniffari’ exploring the grounds and activating those inquisitive noses
  • Puppy pool time for those extra warm days and water lovers
  • Playpen fun and games, chasey, tug, fetch, the works!

Exercise & Excursions

Walk-about Adventures

$65 Single Dog $99 Two Dogs

Tap into your dog’s inner adventurer by giving them a Walk-About Adventure! Walks-Abouts are one-on-one trips to local areas, reserves & parks. Each session always has 2 people present, one being a qualified trainer through Canine Connect, to ensure as much safety as possible.

Each adventure is around 30-45 minutes with plenty of time to sniff, pee on things, have cuddles, and enjoy all the sights and sounds of our community.

Each participant will receive a report card from their Walk-About session with photos and be featured on our Instagram Facebook Stories.

Available Tuesdays and Fridays each week. Discounts apply for two dogs.

Hydrotherapy at Noah’s Crossing

$105 per session

We have teamed up with our friends at Noah’s Crossing Veterinary Clinic to offer our guests excursions to their popular Hydrotherapy Pool.

Your dog will jump into the Hedgegrove Taxi and head up for a fun swim alongside their qualified hydro-therapist.

Great for growing bones, aging bones, energetic dogs, low-impact exercise requirements, and more.

Like Doggy Dayschool, each dog receives a report card with some notes from the Hydro-therapist at the end of the day.

Available on Mondays & Wednesdays. Limited spots are available.

We are on Instagram
Handsome boy Aslan enjoying his pamper and spa time in our professional hydro bath 🧖‍♀️ 🐾 ♥️

#spatime #hydrobath
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2025 © Hedgegrove Pet Retreat